Author Topic: Fates and Avalon... RP Script ...  (Read 225 times)


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Re: Fates and Avalon... RP Script ...
« on: August 21, 2017, 06:32:46 pm »

.Eros Dimera.
[Patriarch of The Dimera Family]

-At the bridge-
Near the gate to Avalon
says to Dark ParadoxEzra DimeraT: Eros watched as his brother was knocked down. It caused him to growl, because no one messed with his little bro. He hadn't even cared about the things Dmitri was saying until he saw his brother go flying. "ENOUGH! FATES YOU DO NOT BELONG IN THIS WORLD. YOU WERE BANISHED TO THE ABYSS." His eyes were glowing white, and the all god had off course been speaking through him. He stepped up to Dmitri, his sword in hand caught fire, it was as if an etherial blue fire was shooting from the sword, and Eros came towards Dmitri and needed to only get close enough to knock the fates themselves from Avalon. He swung his sword, and it hit Dmitri square in the chest where his heart would be. Any onlookers would see the black ink being pulled from him, and sucked up into that sword - the sword dispersed disapearing from sight, and would end up back in the fates temple within a certain boulder rock - where the fates would be trapped until someone would once again free the fates..., Dmitri's body would fall to the ground, and he would be limp. Eros walked over, looking back to Skyla and then to Sonya who had appeared. He looked over to Ezra, and then to each DC family member, followed by the Dimera's , and then of course the Coven - those whom were there he looked at - the All God getting ready to take possession of Dmitri's vessel, the empty shell - because Dmitri's soul was not inside of that body. No.. It was about to be the all gods once more - so Eros reached out, placing his hand against Dmitri's chest. His hand began to glow a brilliant shade of blue and white - the energies were merging, leaving Eros's form - and Eros fell to his knees, but did not let go of Dmitri - The vibrant light slid into Dmitri's chest - and his own eyes would glow white, while Eros's eyes returned to their blue hues. He fell backwards and looked at those around him. He had to touch his own skin, making sure he was now just him in his body. "I think it worked!" He was smiling - hell he was himself again! He was ready to celebrate, though not everyone present was ready to do just that. Esespecially since Dmitri was now the all god - and his soul was still missing.

Dmitri Darkshadow.
[Patriarch of The Darkshadows Family]
.Shadow Triad Creator.

-At the bridge-
Near the gate to Avalon
says to Everyone: The All god stood up, Dmitri was not inside - It was simply the all father. He looked to Eros and said "Thank you faithful Guardian. You have served us well. You are relieved of your duties. You may return to earth, to your vampire lover." He was of course speaking of Syriya. He looked at Skyla and he ran to her wrapping his arms around her as though she was the most precious thing in his world. "My love, it is time that we bring our familes back to their homes is it not? Though I fear you wish for Dmitri's soul to have a home? He could tell that Skyla had planned to return Dmitri's soul to his body, which he would nod. "You love him don't you?" He asked the lady, because he was certain of her feelings now. "Dmitri Darkshadow chose to sacrifice himself for his family. He saved avalon, and my own form. For this reason, let us resurect Dmitri's soul and place it within my form as well. Where is Sonya? Sonya come forth.. Bring your brothers soul to me." He would wait for Sonya to hand over the shard, that hosted Dmitri's soul. He would take it and hold it in his hand, and speaking the incantation, in some language not known to man, but only to gods and goddess's - Dmitri's soul would light the shard, and it would move up the all fathers arm and slide into his chest - Dmitri's eyes would be looking through, he gasped for air! - Dmitri was now there, "Why did you bring me back? I was prepared to die." He should be more greatful, and the all god told him just that. Dmitri though - he was exhuasted. He had been ready to end his existance, but now he was once again stuck sharing a body with a god. What a fitting punishment for Dmitri leaving to begin with.