Author Topic: The Nagah  (Read 44 times)


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The Nagah
« on: August 13, 2017, 08:40:14 pm »


"Were-Snakes" that originated in India. Most of the other changing breeds believe them to be extinct, however the Mokole and Old Man Many Skins, and the Hengeyokai are aware of their existence. The Nagah serve as the Judges of Gaia, filling the roles of silent and hidden judges and executioners for the Changing Breeds. They judge the other changing breeds by the codes the other breeds establish for themselves. When in need to use force, they strike from the darkness using their supernaturally potent neurotoxic venom (available in all forms but homid, and in homid form with the right gift. The Nagah never hunt alone, for they were the ones that were responsible for the War of Rage, when Vinata was corrupted by the worm. It was the Wani or Dragon princes that decreed that no Nagah shall ever hunt alone and set up the Sesha or Ruling Council of the Nagah. The Sesha is located in the Nandana the great Ananata of the Sesha

The Sesha is composed of nine Nagah. 3 Vasuki, 3 Balaram, and 3 Ahi Th Nagah are a unique breed in that their metis are fertile.

Nagah Forms

* Balaram: The Human Form.
* Silkaram: The near human form, similar to the Garou's glabro form. In this form, they area completely hairless, and resemble a reptile man.
* Azhi Dahaka: The War Form, similar to the Garou's Crinos Form.
* Kali Dahaka: The Great Serpent form. This form is similar to the Garou's Hispo Form, they regain the use of venom in this form as well.
* Vasuki: The Snake Form. This is the Nagahs serpent form. It resembles the parental breeding stock.

Nagah Breeds

* Balaram: The Balaram is the name given to the human bred Nagah.
* Ahi: The name of the Nagah Metis. What is interesting about the Ahi, is that they are brought up in the Jeweled Pools in the Umbra, and are brought into the Tellurain once a year. They are the only breed of Metis that is fertile. The Ahi claim that they are the perfect balance of both Serpent and Human. But they are also the ones that take the most damage from toxins such as wyrm taint and pollution, due to their being raised in the Umbra.
* Vasuki: These Nagah are born of serpent kin.

Nagah Organization

The Nagah are broken down into three distinct classes. They are the Sesha which controls the entire population of Nagah, the Crowns which control a specific area, and last but not least the Nests. The Nests are comprised between two to five Nagah. Each Nest mate, is both lover, friend, companion, nurse, and spiritual guide to each other. They are closer than any mortal family in the World of Darkness.

* Sesha: The Ruling body of the entire Nagah population, located in Nadana, the Sesha rule over the Nagah. They judge the Nagah, and compose the hit lists. They also act as the mouth of the Wani. Nadana is also the gate way to Xi Wang Chi or the realm of the Wani. It is here that the Nagah learn new gifts if the Sesha decide that they are worthy.

Crowns: The Crowns act as the Sesha in a specific given area. In fact the Crowns are one step under the Sesha. They are broken down into the following areas.

* Vritra: Located in India, this is the oldest of all Crowns, this crown oversees India and most of Asia. It is here that that the Nagah of the Hengeyokai report to.
* Yamilka: Located in the Middle East, this crown is rumored to have taken part in the downfall of Black Tooth. They are the ones that oversee all the Nagah located in the Middle East.
* Sayidi: Located in Africa, this Crown oversees all Nagah activities in Africa. It is unclear if they had anything to take do in the downfall of Black Tooth or not.
* Nemontana: Located in Europe, this Crown oversees all activities by the Nagah in Europe.
* Zuzeka: Located in the Americas, this is actually the youngest of crowns. It was created when Nagah from India and Europe came to the Americas. There they met with the local Nagah population and formed this Crown. This Crown oversees the activities of all Nagah in North, Central, and South America.
* Jurlungur: Located in Australia, this Crown oversees all Nagah activities in Australia and the Southern Pacific.

Nagah Spirituality

The Nagah, are creatures of three mothers. They Claim Gaia, Luna, and Aspa, the River as their three mothers. To them the Rivers are sacred places.

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